6 Tips to Keep Your Dog from Jumping on People

When you get home it is normal for your French bulldog to be happy and greet you happily because you have arrived. But does your French bulldog jump every time someone comes home , or when you go for a walk and you meet other people to greet them? When dogs are puppies and they greet us effusively by getting up on our legs or jumping


14 Fruits for dogs that they can eat without any problem

Have you ever tried giving your French bulldog a piece of fruit and watching them lick it? If you haven't, we recommend that you try it, since apart from the fun it can be, it's something they really like , especially if it's outside their usual diet . In any case, before doing so, we recommend that you know which foods are forbidden , since we don't want your pet to get sick.


5 GAMES and EXERCISES for the French Bulldog [+TIPS]

The French bulldog is not exactly known for being an athletic dog , but this does not mean that it is not an active and playful dog . Like any dog, it needs its exercise time not only for health but also for its happiness and to burn energy , since they enjoy going for walks, discovering new things, new smells, meeting other dogs, etc.


New Animal Protection Law in Spain

In Spanish homes, the French bulldog has earned a prominent place: its noble character and its amazing ability to adapt to the life of a pet have won the hearts of dog lovers. However, with the implementation of the new animal protection law in Spain , the life of these little bulldogs (and that of their owners) will be, at least, slightly affected.