Does your dog eat a healthy diet all year round? Do you feed your French bulldog dry dog food, wet food or a barf diet ? As you already know, all dogs need a balanced diet . This diet must be taken care of through the feed, the snacks you give your dog and hydration. However, today we want to talk to you about dog nutrition in summer following some advice and news from pet nutrition experts , since their needs are not the same as in winter. You also have to keep in mind that depending on the age of your dog, they will need adequate amounts of food and if they have any illness or pathology, sometimes they will need a specific feed.
When temperatures rise in the summer, your dog also suffers from the heat like us, so in addition to having him in a cool place and with a bowl of clean water every day, it is vital to take care of his nutrition in the summer . These few summer nutrition tips for dogs will help your furry friend cool off this summer. That is why today we want to give you these tips that will surely help you take care of your dog and keep him happy and as always well fed .
Feeding tips for dogs in summer
#1 Choose a 100% natural dog food

Any food for your dog must have the necessary nutrients for its proper nutrition and energy needs . As a general rule, they need the ones described below, but you have to keep in mind that depending on the breed or age of the dog, the percentage varies. The diet needed by a puppy is not the same as that needed by an adult or senior dog.
Essential fatty acids
Provide energy and keep hair and skin healthy . They also make foods tasty and help in the absorption of some vitamins.
Carbohydrates and fiber
As in humans, they provide immediate energy and the fiber contained in them helps digestion and good intestinal function , by dragging the waste that is eliminated in the feces, favoring a good consistency of the same. The contribution of carbohydrates in pet diets is resolved fundamentally based on rice, corn and wheat, in grains and flours .
They have regulatory and structural functions and are involved in the formation of bone tissue like calcium, in neuromuscular transmission, like magnesium, in blood coagulation, in numerous enzymatic and metabolic processes and although in very small proportions they are necessary for the proper functioning of the body in general. The sources of minerals are meat, liver, fish, dairy products, cereals and marrow and they are also added in the form of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and copper supplements .
Necessary for the growth and formation of all tissues . They are made up of chains of amino acids, some of which are produced by the body and others must be obtained through food. They can come from meat, fish, bones, eggs and dairy products, transformed into flour and dry products in general.
Antioxidant supplements
These supplements are intended to delay aging and the generation of free radicals in the body and to increase the body’s defenses . The most common are taurine , an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant and contributes to the proper functioning of the heart, bioflavonoids, which delay cellular aging, and trace elements such as selenium, copper, manganese and zinc, minerals that are essential in the antioxidant process. Vitamins C (Ascorbic Acid), E (alpha tocopherol) and provitamin A (Beta Carotene) are also being included as supplements with antioxidant function.
Necessary as catalysts for different chemical reactions, they perform numerous functions, including maintaining healthy skin, hair, eyesight, bones , etc. They are obtained from dairy products, vegetables, yeast, liver, kidneys and cereals and are also often added as supplements (A, D, E, K, biotin, B12, riboflavin, thiamine, etc.) to pet food to achieve a balanced vitamin intake.
The correct percentage of the above mentioned foods will be 21% protein , 5% lipids , 5% fiber , 50% carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and taurine . Puppies need a higher intake of nutrients and will have to eat more often, their diet will have to be wet in the first 2 or 3 weeks and gradually move to dry. In senior French bulldogs, you should mainly take into account the contribution of antioxidants and foods that help strengthen the immune system. That is why it is vital to choose a good feed such as Blue Wolf , which is 100% natural and contains all the nutrients for good health of your best friend.
#2 Divide the rations into several daily intakes

In summer, like us, we fill up on nothing, preferring to eat a salad, gazpacho and something light, let’s say, since heavy meals are harder to digest in the heat . The same thing happens with your dog, if you give him one meal a day, in these summer months, it is advisable to divide that same amount into 2 meals , for example. That is, if you give him 280 gr a day, you can give him 140 gr in the morning and 140 gr at night, so your best friend will be satisfied all day and it will be much easier for him to digest than in a single meal. If you also see that your dog has a bigger appetite, reduce the rations a little, he will not go hungry, don’t worry! But with less physical activity and more heat, he is less hungry.
#3 Place your feed in a cool place
You already know that flies and mosquitoes are abundant at this time of year , so it is important not to leave your dog’s food in the sun or outside, but rather inside the house in a cool area . On the one hand, so that your dog can eat calmly and relaxed without the heat, and on the other hand because the food could easily become full of flies and mosquitoes. If you cannot put the food inside, look for a cool area in the patio or garden, making sure that it is always in the shade.
#4 Wash your food bowl more often
Hygiene is also essential during the hottest months of the year, as bacteria and parasites are there even if we don’t see them. Therefore, clean the feeder properly several times a week , as the drool always leaves some moisture with traces of feed that are not good at all. The cleaner everything is, the better!
#5 Offer clean, fresh water daily

We certainly don’t need to tell you that keeping your dog hydrated in summer is vital . However, if your dog always has water in its water bowl, it is best to change it daily as it heats up. Therefore, fill its water bowl with fresh, clean water every day , and as with the feeders, wash them a couple of times a week to keep them clean.
#6 Make him some fresh fruit ice cream
A good option as a reward or snack in summer, always without overdoing it, is homemade ice cream for dogs , mainly made with fruits suitable for dogs. Remember that there are many toxic foods that you should avoid. An ice cream from time to time is great for lowering the body temperature . In addition to a good bath in the pool or bathtub, a hose and cool water to drink, ice cream can help cool down and is a delicacy for any dog, who will happily lick his lips at being able to suck and eat something cool.
Take care of your dog’s diet in summer
Don’t wait any longer and put into practice all these nutrition tips for your dog in summer and take care of your best friend in the hottest months of the year. Because we know that his well-being comes first! Summer is also a time of year to enjoy but always taking care of the most important thing, his health.
And how do you take care of your furry friend’s diet in summer ? Would you add any more tips? We would love for you to tell us about your experience, we hope you liked this post and that it was helpful to you. If you liked this post, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends on your favorite social networks.