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5 TIPS to Extend the Life of your DOG

Is your French bulldog already old and you are worried about the day when he won’t be by your side? Is your dog already old and you think he needs some extra care? That’s right, everything you do for him will extend his life and well-being! Depending on the breed of dog you have, he can have an average lifespan of X. In the case of the French bulldog, they can live for many years, but from 7 or 8 years old they begin to suffer the ailments of age, and that is why it is vital that you take care of him with care and with everything he needs on a daily basis. Just like older people, older or elderly dogs need extra care for their health and happiness .

Surely you would also love for your best friend to live as long as we do, but unfortunately it can’t be, so enjoy it, live with it and love it madly until the end . Today we want to talk to you about the needs and basic care with these tips, so that you can give it the well-being , health and all the love it needs. Regardless of the age of your dog, the more and better you take care of it in its youth and throughout its life, the better quality of life it will have when it is a senior dog. Let’s see the care that we recommend so that your dog lives many healthy and happy years .

Guide to prolonging your dog’s life

#1 Choose a good bed for your dog to rest properly

Your French bulldog ‘s rest is essential. You’ve probably bought him lots of beds since he was a puppy, because when they’re little, soft beds tend to become the foam party at home, haha! I think we’ve lost count of all the ones we’ve had, but now that they’re adults, they respect them much more, because it’s their comfort zone and their intimate area. It’s very important that you value orthopedic dog beds , since your best friend is a puppy.

As time goes by, their joints become more delicate , not to mention the bulldogs that unfortunately suffer from dysplasia or some type of herniated disc . Their proper rest is vital for them to have agility and energy and that is why orthopedic dog beds are the best option, regardless of whether your best friend does not have any disease, the important thing is to prevent and that they are well cared for. These types of dog beds, among other things, prevent dysplasia , osteoarthritis and herniated discs .

Orthopedic dog beds are designed so that your best friend not only sleeps comfortably, but also has good posture for his spine and body. These beds also usually incorporate memory foam mattresses and quality materials for a healthy rest. Let’s see some of their advantages:

*They improve their health in the medium-long term: Even if you think your dog is healthy, you never know what can happen tomorrow, so the more you invest in their health the better, and orthopedic beds are vital to take care of their rest .
*They improve the quality of your dog’s rest : There are millions of dog beds on the market, but many of them are probably only designed for the dog to lie down on without thinking about its spine or joints . On the contrary, orthopedic beds are designed to take care of your dog’s rest and make it as comfortable as possible at all times.
*They are quality beds that last a lifetime : These types of dog beds are made with high-quality materials, so they are beds that, if you take good care of them, will last a long time .
*Its mattress is more comfortable than any other: As with human beds, orthopedic beds incorporate a mattress with cutting-edge materials to promote correct posture and care for your best friend’s entire body.
*It takes care of and prevents numerous diseases : As we have indicated previously, these orthopedic beds for dogs are not only designed for dogs that currently have a disease such as dysplasia or osteoarthritis, but they are beds designed to also prevent these painful and annoying diseases .

#2 Offer him healthy and quality food

The feeding of the French bulldog is a fundamental issue, either because your Frenchie may be overweight , as is the case in many cases, or because he has some specific need due to some illness . Overweight is an excess of weight in your dog , more kilos than he should weigh to be healthy throughout his life. Obesity is an accumulation of excess body fat. A sedentary life , and an excessive intake of calories , as occurs in people, in relation to the energy expended, are determining factors for your dog to suffer from overweight and long-term obesity, which shortens the life of a dog and makes it more prone to develop diseases of all kinds.

The French bulldog is a delicate dog when it comes to its diet throughout its life, of course there are cases in which they have no problem, but the more you take care of its diet from puppyhood will affect its quality of life and future health. You must be careful with some things:

*Choose a food with natural ingredients and low in fat : The better and more natural the food you give your dog from puppyhood, the healthier he will be throughout his life. Avoid cheap food with by-products that damage the health of your French bulldog.
*Give your dog the recommended daily ration : On dog food bags, the daily amount is indicated based on your dog ‘s age and weight . You should not overfeed your French bulldog . Being overweight in this breed can only cause problems, worsen their breathing, cause joint pain, etc.
*Prevent your dog from eating too fast : If your dog is one of those who gobbles down food, now more than ever you should be careful with this, and if necessary buy him a feeder for gluttons that will force him to eat more slowly . Also, if he eats too fast he could suffer gastric torsion , which occurs when his stomach expands causing torsion and putting pressure on all his organs. It is a very delicate issue that you must prevent.
*Don’t give him extra food apart from his feed : We have already talked about how bad it is to give him food outside his daily diet, as a reward or something occasional, but not systematically because it only makes his health worse. Don’t make mistakes in your French bulldog’s diet , and always take care of his health.
*Don’t pressure him to eat : If one day your dog doesn’t have an appetite, it’s okay, don’t pressure him to eat, he’ll eat when he’s hungry. However, if you see that your dog doesn’t eat for more than 3 days, you should go to the vet to rule out any problems.
*Reduce the amount of treats you eat or choose light treats: Treats for dogs should be given very occasionally, as they contain more fat, which is precisely what we want to avoid. You can choose dietary treats for dogs or as natural as possible on a special day.
*Observe their stool from time to time : Although it may sound a bit scatological, it is something you should always do, observe the stool to see that it is normal, that it is not loose, that it does not have blood, parasites or any other symptom that something is not right. If you notice something strange, do not hesitate to go to the vet.

#3 Encourage him to exercise and go for a walk every day

Generally, any puppy dog ​​tends to be very playful and active and with age they become somewhat calmer, although it also depends on their personality. Exercise, playing and walks are essential for good health, on the one hand, they burn energy and move their body and on the other hand, it is leisure time together that makes them very happy. Exercise is health, and that is why if you want the best for your best friend you have to take care of this. We know people who have dogs and keep them locked up at home, they hardly have time to go out with them and they do it very little, and in the long term this shortens the life of any animal. We are sure that you can always take some time to go out or play with him, but also in this buying guide you can see some interactive toys with which to keep your dog active, in addition to talking to him and letting him know that you are close by until the time of the walk arrives. That is why we are going to see some tips for walking and exercising your best friend, which will help him to extend his life:

*Take him for a walk at least 3 times a day: Even if they are not long walks, they should last at least 20/30 minutes each time, to walk, breathe fresh air and relieve himself.
*Keep your dog on a leash and harness that you can control well: A harness is much more harmless than dog collars, which are a good accessory, especially during the training stage. Over time, you will realize that a dog harness is best because you can control him much better and you don’t hurt his neck. The leash can be one that you feel comfortable with, but it shouldn’t be too tight so that he feels the walk as a relaxing moment.
*Don’t force him to run, and avoid him running: Although it is good for him to exercise throughout his life, as he gets older it is better for your French bulldog to take calmer walks, with a rhythm but not excessively. Because on the one hand his breathing can get worse and he can become much more exhausted and on the other hand he can get heat stroke much more easily than a young dog.
*Avoid jumping: Jumping is a crime against your French bulldog’s joints and back , and even more so as he gets older. That’s why you shouldn’t play anything that involves jumping, and don’t let him jump to greet people, which is very common and a mistake.
*Avoid the hottest hours of the day: It is best to go out for a walk whenever the temperature is average, neither too hot nor too cold. In the cold there is less of a problem, but you also have to be careful not to catch a cold. If it is hot, it is always a good idea to carry a bottle of cold water and, if necessary, take a break in the shade .
Let him socialize with other dogs: Socializing your French bulldog is important throughout his life. In general, they are super friendly with other dogs and the emotional part is also very important to take care of.

#4 Take care of your hygiene in detail

It goes without saying that your French bulldog ‘s hygiene is important throughout its life. You already know that they have delicate skin and hair and that is why special care is recommended. In addition to their ears, since they are prone to otitis , the cleaning of their eyes to avoid eye problems and their dental hygiene . They also have the right to feel clean!

*Observe his skin and bathe him with a quality shampoo: No joke, the French bulldog’s skin is very delicate regardless of whether or not he has allergies, so a good dog shampoo is vital. If he has allergies, you will have to use a hypoallergenic shampoo even more.
*Bathe him at most once a month: You already know that excessive bathing is not good for any dog, since if you overdo it you can eliminate the natural pH of his skin. That is why it is recommended to bathe him at most once a month or even every two months, that is what we do and it is the best. However, if your dog has allergies you will have to bathe him according to his treatment. Also, always dry him very well , since his immune system may be weaker and he is more likely to catch a cold .
*Check their ears once a week: French bulldogs need to have regular ear hygiene , as they are prone to ear infections and even more so with age. Therefore, check and clean their ears with a dog ear cleaner every week to keep them clean and healthy.
*Keep your dog’s teeth clean all year round: Teeth cleaning is something you may not worry about, and over time the cure may be worse than the disease. There are dental hygiene products for dogs, but if your French bulldog is not used to it, it may be more complicated when he is older and you should not force him. You can take him to the vet and have him take a good look at his teeth, since over time they deteriorate and there are some that have poor quality teeth.
*Moisturize your dog’s nose frequently: Your French bulldog’s nose will become increasingly dry and cracked over time, so it is important that you take care of it with some of the advice we gave you above, in addition to moisturizing it with neutral Vaseline or a specific product for moisturizing.
*Trim their nails at least once a month: Check their nails every month, for example on bath day, and if necessary, always trim them carefully so as not to hurt them. Long nails bother them. If you don’t dare, you can always take them to a pet bathing place where they usually offer a comprehensive cleaning.
*Check his anal glands carefully: When you bathe him it is a good time to check that they are in good condition. If you notice that your French bulldog drags his bottom as if he is sitting or that he sometimes moves from side to side as if trying to scratch himself, it may be that his anal glands are full and it is bothering him. In addition, in the long term it could become a painful problem when he goes to the bathroom. If you have never cleaned him yourself, it is best to have your veterinarian do it regularly.
*Brush your French bulldog’s hair frequently: It is also important to brush older dogs, always with a dog brush and especially during shedding periods so that the dead hair does not bother them.
*Clean their eyes every day: French bulldogs tend to have quite a few eye problems, so taking care of their eyes is important throughout their life. Above all, proper hygiene is essential, since the tear duct gradually oxidizes the surrounding hair and in some cases even irritates that area of ​​the skin. You should always use products suitable for cleaning dogs’ eyes.

5 Visit the vet periodically

Visits to the vet have to be regular , it is always good to do a check-up once a year, and especially as time goes by. We know the financial expense that the vet entails when there is a problem, but if you decide to have a dog, it is with all the good and bad. And as prevention is better than cure , the best way to extend the life of your French bulldog is to have your vet check it frequently.

*Take him at least once every 6 months: Even if your dog is in perfect shape or at least seems that way, it is important that you visit your veterinarian for a complete check-up so you can have peace of mind.
Perform tests from time to time: Your veterinarian will discuss this issue with you based on each case, but if your pet has any health problems, it is important to monitor them.
*Give him the necessary vaccines: You will probably only have to give him the rabies vaccine annually . In Spain it is mandatory although there have been no cases for years, but in other countries it is not, consult your veterinarian. There are also other preventive vaccines that are not mandatory but that you should consider to protect the health of your French bulldog, such as the vaccine against Leishmaniasis , which is a disease that affects more and more dogs and is transmitted by mosquitoes.
*Deworming your dog correctly: Protection against the variety of internal and external parasites that exist is necessary throughout your French bulldog’s life. These parasites are present in dogs at all times, but at an early age extreme care must be taken as they can cause diseases that can be fatal for your dog. Therefore, you must go to the vet as often as necessary to eliminate parasites from the body. There are many antiparasitic products on the market, both oral for internal deworming and collars, pipettes and sprays for external deworming, especially in spring and summer. Your vet is the best person to guide you through the different options.
*Control your pet’s weight: As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is important that your veterinarian monitors your pet’s weight, in case you are not giving them the appropriate senior food.
Follow your dog’s treatment plan if he has any illness: Hopefully not! But if your French bulldog has any illness or health problem, it is very important that you follow his treatment plan if you want him to improve or control the problem.

Take care of your French bulldog to be together for many years

As we have told you throughout this article, you surely also want the best for your French bulldog , and above all, for him to spend many, many years with you. It is a delicate breed, so if your Frenchie also has some kind of illness or health problem , you should think about it and take extra care of him because he deserves the best. The care of any dog ​​may seem excessive, but his health and well-being must always come first.

Do you have a French bulldog ? Do you have another dog? How old is it? What did you think of this guide to prolonging your dog’s life? Would you add anything else? If you found it interesting or have any concerns or simply want to share your experience, leave us a comment and share it on your social networks.

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