You are currently viewing 8 Tips to REDUCE DOG EXPENSES


Are you overwhelmed by having a dog and not being able to meet its expenses? When you take the step of adopting or buying a dog , whether it is a French bulldog or any other breed, it involves expenses that many people do not consider. However, it is possible to save and reduce expenses, without neglecting the care they need and which pays off in spades. In this article we are going to explain the keys to reducing the expenses generated by having a dog .

According to the “Living Conditions Survey” conducted by the National Institute of Statistics ( INE ), making ends meet is very difficult for more than 12% of families in Spain. In addition, 7% admit to having delayed payments on bills (mortgage, rent, gas bills, etc.).

Adopting or buying a dog , just like expanding the family with new children, involves expenses that must be taken into account, assuming responsibility for its care and physical and mental well-being . Your dog needs veterinary care , just like people need medical attention, adequate nutrition , games and lots of love.

Adopting or buying a dog, like expanding the family with a child, involves expenses that must be taken into account.

In return, your dog gives you back more than he gets. Living with a dog makes life more pleasant and intense for animal lovers, and it also has many benefits for your health .

Keys to reducing the expenses of having a dog

#1 Plan your dog’s expenses ahead of time

The average income of Spaniards in 2016 is less than €15,000 , according to the INE. In some cases, it is much lower. These incomes imply having to stretch money to unimaginable limits. That is why planning the dog’s expenses carefully will be a critical key to controlling your pocketbook.

Planning your dog’s expenses with a spreadsheet allows you to organize your outlays

The first step to achieve this is to create an expense sheet for your dog that includes vaccinations, food and veterinary check-ups. Knowing the amount you pay is the first step to balance the accounts at home. The ideal is to organize the information by month and by concept, to plan the items and not have surprises. A simple Excel spreadsheet can be very useful.

#2 Spread out visits to the vet

Veterinary care for a dog, one of the biggest expenses, costs an average of €200 a year , according to the Official College of Veterinarians of Madrid. Vaccinations, check-ups, thorough dental cleanings and more specific care, in case the animal suffers from a disease that affects it, are part of this bill.

How to reduce your dog’s medical expenses? It’s very easy, just spread out your visits to the vet . Veterinarians recommend that your dog go to the vet at least twice a year . So, the ideal is to spread out the appointments and make them coincide with vaccinations and deworming to avoid unnecessary visits .

Another premise for saving is not to skip veterinary check-ups . Check-ups involve an immediate investment, but they prevent diseases that can cause greater expenses in the medium and long term.

#3 Take advantage of flat rates and offers

Flat rates are not exclusive to online services. Many veterinarians also offer them. They involve paying a fixed amount per year, which covers various veterinary services for the dog : check-ups, vaccinations, cleanings or emergencies.

There are also other types of discounts: there are those for being a large family , if the owner has three or more animals. The best thing to do is to ask, because the rates vary depending on the clinic. There are also equal discounts where you pay X per month and they cover X, whatever is agreed based on the monthly contribution you make. In the case of dogs with more problems, it is also good to have pet health insurance.

#4 Save on food by buying more

Dog food , cans, dog treats. Almost 300,000 tons of dog food are sold in Spain every year , according to the National Association of Pet Food Manufacturers. The price of high-end dog food ranges between six and seven euros per kilo, depending on the brand. However, one way to save money is to buy larger bags of food: if you buy a 15 or 20 kilo bag, the price is usually reduced by almost half .

Buying large bags of feed reduces the price by almost half

Another way to save money and buy good quality dog ​​food at a cheaper price is to buy any pet food or product from online stores specializing in dogs . This option allows you to compare prices and choose interesting offers .

#5 Choose durable dog accessories

Before buying an accessory or toy for your dog , it is a good idea to think about its long-term use. If you have to buy a bed for your dog , it is important to consider that the dog will grow over time and opt for one that is a little larger.

If you buy a small mat when your dog is a puppy, you will have to buy it again once your dog grows up. It is best to choose a large one from the start .
Coats for the cold, raincoats for the rain, some of the clothes that your dog needs can be made at home, it is simple and cheap. It only takes a little skill, because your dog will grow to a certain point.
Making your own dog clothes at home is not the only option to save money. Another possibility is to go to second-hand markets and reuse some unused clothes in your wardrobe to adapt them to your dog.

Another issue is the toys in Chinese stores, which you may think are great for their price, but on the one hand they are dangerous and on the other hand they will probably last your dog two days if he really pays attention to them. It is best to choose quality dog ​​toys like Kong , Radical and brands that are really made with non-toxic and long-lasting materials .

#6 Have friends and family take care of your dog

Sometimes it’s essential to have a professional dog sitter or to leave your dog in a boarding kennel, daycare center or dog hotel. But when possible, why not turn to social media to look after your furry friends when you have to leave home for a few days? This can save you a lot of money, and it’s probably more secure if your dog is with a family member or friend.

#7 Train your dog to avoid destruction at home

Bringing a puppy into your home can be a real headache. Small dogs, not yet trained, are prone to destroying shoes, plants and even some of the furniture in the house. These damages obviously involve extra costs .

You can save yourself some money by following some guidelines to avoid damage to your puppy or adult dog, i.e., avoid your dog biting everything it gets its hands on. Training and even going to a professional if necessary can also be more of an investment than an expense when your dog has a continuing behavioural problem.

#8 Getting much more than you spend

Living with a dog involves expenses, there is no doubt about that. But these, as you have seen, can be reduced or controlled with a little attention and some simple advice. In addition, we are sure that your French bulldog more than compensates for the expenses . Your dog makes you happier in every way: it provides company, affection and love , helps you lead a healthier lifestyle, takes care of the health of adults and children and strengthens social relationships with other animal lovers. In addition, it makes you laugh and enjoy life with less anxiety .

Keep a smart eye on your French bulldog’s expenses

Specifically, the French bulldog is a breed that we have heard more than once say “they are vet meat ”, we hate this expression but it is said quite a lot. And yes, if you are unlucky, because we should not generalize, you will have to take responsibility for the expenses involved, especially in cases of allergies, interventions, respiratory problems… like any other dog, but with them perhaps a little more. So if you decide to have a French bulldog or any other animal, do it wisely.

Did you know any of these tips? Do you know any other tips that you can share with us? How do you save and reduce expenses with your best friend? Don’t hesitate to comment and share. We hope you liked it and above all that it was helpful to you.

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