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14 Tips to Prepare Your Dog for Your Baby

Are you going to be a dad or a mom? Are you pregnant and don’t know how your dog will react to the arrival of the baby at home ? Your French bulldog is surely a sweetheart , cuddly , affectionate and better than bread, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have any doubts about how your little one will get along with the new member of the family.

One of the most common concerns among dog owners is the arrival of a baby at home . You are probably asking yourself many questions: will they get along? Will my dog ​​accept the baby? Can I bring them together without fear of anything happening? The answer in most cases is positive, since dogs get along great with babies and children , beyond the curiosity they feel at first, they will undoubtedly become inseparable . However, this does not mean that you should prepare your dog for the arrival of the baby at home and that you should follow certain tips to avoid scares and ensure that the adaptation is positive.

Keys before the baby arrives home

#1 Let him/her smell you, he/she will sense that you are pregnant

Dogs have much more developed instincts than people, and we are convinced that your French bulldog will know from the first moment that you are pregnant . Your smell, your hormones and of course when he lies down with you on the sofa he will feel the heartbeat of your baby. This is not bad, he will start to take care of you and protect you and he will feel the life inside you.

#2 Let him smell the baby’s stuff

baby dogs preparing home tips
You’re probably preparing your baby’s space or room and many new things will start to arrive at your home. Let your dog smell it and gradually lose interest in those things that are now new , and this way you’ll avoid him wanting to play with them and make a mess. He has to feel comfortable with everything new that arrives at your home.

#3 Gradually decrease the attention you give your dog

Your French bulldog is probably the baby of the house now , but with the arrival of the new member of the family, not because you don’t want it, but because you won’t have time , the attention towards your dog will tend to decrease. This doesn’t mean that you love him less or that you’re going to ignore him, but if he’s used to playing with you all day and having all the attention when the baby arrives the change will be too abrupt. Teach him to spend more time alone at home , to shorter play times , etc., so that when the baby arrives he doesn’t feel that he’s no longer being paid attention to. Having a baby and a dog is totally compatible and a great experience, but the first years of your baby’s life will take up all your time.

#4 Train your dog for the new house rules

Deaf dogs causes remedies care
Surely when your baby arrives, you will not want your French bulldog to get on the bed or the sofa when you are with the little one to avoid scares. Therefore, if you want to change certain habits, you will have to start working on them as soon as possible , so as in the previous point, the change will not be so abrupt. If your dog still does not obey basic orders such as sitting, lying down or staying still, it is the best time to teach him and make him respect these orders when the baby arrives home.

#5 Introduce your dog to other babies and children

If your French bulldog has not had the opportunity to play with children and dogs , before the arrival of your baby, if you have the opportunity, it is a good idea to introduce him to children in your environment, so that he gets used to their games, their smell, their noises, etc. Of course, always keep an eye on and control your dog. In general, the French bulldog is a perfect breed with children due to its playful and protective nature, but we should never generalize since each dog is a world unto itself.

#6 Pay attention to your French bulldog’s hygiene

French bulldog hygiene
Your French bulldog is probably the cleanest in the world, and you take care of its hygiene every day, but with the arrival of a baby this is essential. Make sure your French bulldog is properly vaccinated and dewormed so that your baby is not at risk.

Tips for bringing your baby home

#1 Don’t leave your dog alone at home when you are in the hospital

How to know if you have a French bulldog
We already know that birth can be quicker or slower and that discharge from the hospital can take longer, so it is best to leave your French bulldog with a family member or friend who makes him feel comfortable and calm during those days , so that when you get back home he feels good and you do not increase separation anxiety . If you are also going to spend a few days in the hospital, you can take a piece of clothing from the baby to your dog so that he becomes familiar with the smell before returning home.

#2 Let your French bulldog smell your baby, always with care

When the baby comes home, your French bulldog will be very curious to sniff the new thing that moves in your arms. You should let him smell it slowly and carefully so that he doesn’t jump on it. Of course, it is important to transmit calmness to your dog ; if you are excited or nervous about this first contact, your dog will notice it. Relax, be careful and let them get to know each other with caution. If he approaches calmly and serenely, you should reward him and pet him, telling him “good morning.” He should know that this is the correct behavior towards the baby. On the contrary, if he acts aggressively or out of control, you should say no and try again little by little.

#3 Create a positive stimulus towards the baby every day

baby dogs preparing home tips
It is important that you let your dog interact with your baby every day, smelling his diapers and clothes so that he becomes familiar with everything that has to do with the little one. Whenever he approaches you, reward him and pet him.

#4 Make time to spend with your dog

As we said before, we know that the arrival of a baby is a very important change in your life and in your daily life, a baby needs all the attention in the world. But do not forget that your French bulldog does too, that is why you have to find time to play with him , to give him a caress and to go for a walk . Your French bulldog cannot experience a very sudden change despite having previously educated him for the arrival of your baby, because otherwise he will be sad and his attitude towards the baby will not be correct due to jealousy .

#5 As your baby grows up, teach him to play with your dog

characteristics of french bulldog babies children
I’m sure everything will go great, and when your baby grows up you will be able to let your French bulldog spend more time with him and become close friends . However, children are sometimes a little rough when playing with dogs due to lack of knowledge, so it is important that from the first moment you teach your child to gently pet your dog , to play with his toys as friends and never in an aggressive or rough manner.

How to fix my dog’s jealousy towards my baby

Not all stories have happy endings, and there are times when it is not so easy to introduce the new member of the family without your French bulldog becoming jealous. You should never leave your baby alone with your dog without supervision, whether he has accepted it or not, in order to prevent what could happen.

#1 Never stop paying attention to your dog

You can’t ignore your French bulldog overnight, otherwise you’ll awaken negative jealousy towards the baby. If you notice changes in your dog’s mood and behavior since your baby’s arrival at home, it’s important that you change certain habits and spend more time with your dog . Your French bulldog must feel that you love him and that no changes have occurred despite the arrival of the little one.

#2 If he misbehaves, correct his behavior with love

french bulldog training
Your dog may be acting out to get your attention , and although you should always correct his behavior, remember to never use aggression or harsh punishment. Tell him no when he does something he shouldn’t and encourage calm behavior through positive stimuli . Discipline, order, and patience are essential if your French bulldog is jealous of the baby.

#3 Go to a dog trainer

If the case is very serious and you cannot reduce your dog’s jealousy towards the baby , it is best to hire a dog trainer to help you correct this behavior as soon as possible. Many times, despite your dedication, it is impossible to correct it and the help of a professional will give you peace of mind at home.

French Bulldog and babies the best combination

After all these tips we hope you feel more confident when it comes to having your baby . Make your French bulldog a part of your pregnancy, prepare him in advance for the changes that you yourselves will have to go through, and don’t forget to dedicate time to him in your daily life. Confidence in your dog and that you will get along great is very positive, don’t be afraid, introduce your baby little by little and everything will surely turn out great.

Are you going to be a mother soon? Have you been through this and it was a great experience? Or on the contrary, it was not as good as you expected? We would love to hear about your experience , any advice is always good for all of us who have to go through it for the first time. If you found this article useful, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends on your social networks.

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