Natural Dog Food, What It Is and 5 Benefits

Do you want your dog to have a healthy and balanced diet ? Are you worried about the quality of the food you give him? Natural dog food is the perfect solution for your pet! Natural dog food is a diet that is based on fresh, quality ingredients , such as meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. This diet is much healthier than commercial food, as it provides dogs with all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.


10 POISONOUS and TOXIC plants for your DOG

We are sure that many of you would love to decorate your home with plants . Some have the theory that the greener the better, others even take it to the extreme and would like a small tropical jungle. The problem comes when you have to find space for these plants and there are pets in the house , who also have their own opinion about the role of trees and plants as toys, so there are certain restrictions so that no misfortune occurs.



Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years, playing various roles throughout human history, whether as a shepherd, a caretaker or simply a faithful companion . But, as always happens when there is contact, certain myths and misconceptions arise , which are usually due to ignorance . How much do we know or have we learned about dogs throughout this long relationship?


French Bulldog Brachycephalic Syndrome

Does your French bulldog sometimes make too much noise when breathing , snore incessantly and is generally very loud? That's because your French bulldog to a greater or lesser extent suffers from brachycephalic syndrome , which manifests itself through breathing difficulties in dogs due to the fact that their cranial formation distorts the pharynx. This syndrome specifically affects the breed of flat-nosed dogs or brachycephalic breeds such as the French bulldog, the English bulldog, the pug, etc.