Are you overwhelmed by having a dog and not being able to meet its expenses? When you take the step of adopting or buying a dog , whether it is a French bulldog or any other breed, it involves expenses that many people do not consider. However, it is possible to save and reduce expenses, without neglecting the care they need and which pays off in spades. In this article we are going to explain the keys to reducing the expenses generated by having a dog .


5 HALLOWEEN PLANS with your French Bulldog

Do you already have plans for Halloween day and night with your friends or family? Are you going to a costume party ? Although in Spain we don't reach the level of the United States in terms of celebrating this day, at Frenchiemania we love the night of the living dead and witches because we have a great time dressing up and having fun with our friends, which is not a bad thing from time to time.


Boston Terrier: Origin, Characteristics and Personality

Are you thinking about buying or adopting a Boston Terrier but want to know more about this breed of dog ? Don't know whether to choose a French Bulldog or a Boston Terrier? Don't worry! Today we are going to talk about the French Bulldog's cousin , which has been gaining ground every year and we can see more and more of it on the street. It is a very special dog, with characteristics and a personality that make it unique, as explained by NFNatcane, the Boston Terrier can be the best life partner you can choose.


How to Get Free Samples of Dog Accessories

Do you like trying new things for your furry friend? Are you a fan of free samples, including products, accessories and food for your dog? If you have a dog at home, you are surely interested in getting free samples for dogs. Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to get free samples in the easiest way so that you can try them with your dog and, if you like them, you will always have the possibility of buying them later or requesting new samples to try out.