Dangers of the Processionary Caterpillar for your DOG

As spring approaches , we notice it because the days are longer, temperatures begin to rise and the first allergies appear . It is a somewhat annoying stage, but for our dogs it becomes quite dangerous . Walks in the park or the countryside become longer and, with them, some dangers typical of the season that are dragged along the ground.


5 TIPS to Extend the Life of your DOG

Is your French bulldog already old and you are worried about the day when he won't be by your side? Is your dog already old and you think he needs some extra care? That's right, everything you do for him will extend his life and well-being! Depending on the breed of dog you have, he can have an average lifespan of X. In the case of the French bulldog, they can live for many years, but from 7 or 8 years old they begin to suffer the ailments of age, and that is why it is vital that you take care of him with care and with everything he needs on a daily basis. Just like older people, older or elderly dogs need extra care for their health and happiness .


6 Tips for Caring for Your Frenchie in Spring

Hello spring ! Now we are really in spring, even though they say that “until May 40th you don’t take off your coat”. Spring is a wonderful time of year because the weather is starting to get better, it is nice to go out for a walk with your French bulldog , sit on a terrace or enjoy the countryside full of flowers. I am sure that it is nice for your French bulldog too, because it is neither cold nor hot and that is when it is best.