6 Nutrition Tips for DOGS in Summer

Does your dog eat a healthy diet all year round? Do you feed your French bulldog dry dog ​​food, wet food or a barf diet ? As you already know, all dogs need a balanced diet . This diet must be taken care of through the feed, the snacks you give your dog and hydration. However, today we want to talk to you about dog nutrition in summer following some advice and news from pet nutrition experts , since their needs are not the same as in winter. You also have to keep in mind that depending on the age of your dog, they will need adequate amounts of food and if they have any illness or pathology, sometimes they will need a specific feed.



Are you overwhelmed by having a dog and not being able to meet its expenses? When you take the step of adopting or buying a dog , whether it is a French bulldog or any other breed, it involves expenses that many people do not consider. However, it is possible to save and reduce expenses, without neglecting the care they need and which pays off in spades. In this article we are going to explain the keys to reducing the expenses generated by having a dog .


Dangers of the Processionary Caterpillar for your DOG

As spring approaches , we notice it because the days are longer, temperatures begin to rise and the first allergies appear . It is a somewhat annoying stage, but for our dogs it becomes quite dangerous . Walks in the park or the countryside become longer and, with them, some dangers typical of the season that are dragged along the ground.