6 Tips to Keep Your Dog from Jumping on People

When you get home it is normal for your French bulldog to be happy and greet you happily because you have arrived. But does your French bulldog jump every time someone comes home , or when you go for a walk and you meet other people to greet them? When dogs are puppies and they greet us effusively by getting up on our legs or jumping



Are you overwhelmed by having a dog and not being able to meet its expenses? When you take the step of adopting or buying a dog , whether it is a French bulldog or any other breed, it involves expenses that many people do not consider. However, it is possible to save and reduce expenses, without neglecting the care they need and which pays off in spades. In this article we are going to explain the keys to reducing the expenses generated by having a dog .


5 TIPS to Extend the Life of your DOG

Is your French bulldog already old and you are worried about the day when he won't be by your side? Is your dog already old and you think he needs some extra care? That's right, everything you do for him will extend his life and well-being! Depending on the breed of dog you have, he can have an average lifespan of X. In the case of the French bulldog, they can live for many years, but from 7 or 8 years old they begin to suffer the ailments of age, and that is why it is vital that you take care of him with care and with everything he needs on a daily basis. Just like older people, older or elderly dogs need extra care for their health and happiness .